Cities excite me, but none as much as the grand sudden burst of uncontrollable energy felt when arriving to New York City, with its chaotic multitudes of colour and splendour of noises. Their sounds alone sooth me but nothing so much as visits to the grandest of spaces, Central Park, where the power of its vastness silences the chaos inside us and outside its walls.

Central Park is an oasis for New Yorkers and ‘wannabe’s’ alike, stretching across three avenues from 59th street all the way up to 110th street, its vast 900 acres (6 percent of the entire manhattan) is one complete, tranquil, pure escape.
I was lucky while here, to experience the transition of seasons from Autumn into Winter, with its golden transformations visible from all angles. Streets, especially close to 100th and 103rd street boast some of the most beautiful foliage, pure artistic paintings in their own right.

Don’t miss seeing the reflection of trees in the lakes, taking walks along the rustic stone bridges, the arches, where walks can be most appreciated. The Ramble’ lake, located with access from 79th street, romanticised by many Hollywood movies, where you can rent boats or merely walk around the largest body of water in the park, enjoying again some of the best views.

Closeby, from 71st -74th street, Strawberry fields, paying tribute to the late beatle, John Lennon, musician and peace activist, where a beautiful black and white ‘Imagine’ Mosaic was created in tribute to him.

And a frosty reminder for the wild side of us all – the ‘Wollman Rink’ opens every winter for skaters of all levels, and although a tourist draw, this rink located in the heart of the park, boast the most beautiful view, with the backdrop of skyscrapers
Central Park tranquility – located 59th st and 5th avenue.
Shop ‘Colour In The City’ Collection for more insights on NYC.
Peace ! XX SR.