It wouldn’t be an Irish summer without someone making lists of the essentials to bring for an Irish day out, umbrellas, rain coats, factor 60 creams, ham sandwiches (which usually end up as ham & sand sandwiches), tayto crisps but to name a few things. But a simple ramble through the Irish Countryside and simply enjoy it’s stunning natural colours and beauty, is a special treat, an Irish Green wonderland. 

and you can find …. rolling hills

- C9A3770A DEC4 40BF 872E F64F3B12B9C7
beautiful Rolling Fields

beautiful scented cherry blossoms bursting with colour and vibrancy ….

- 85C73D19 5106 4B80 B492 A85681ED1861
Cherry Tree Hills

Rolling rapeseed fields of golden sunshine bursting with delight…

- 1BB1C1A1 2EB5 4674 842B 6A1C07A7F266
Rolling Hills of Rapeseed


explosions of pink marshmallow balls puffing through the air…

- BD371075 6C49 4238 9A9F F6CDD9A7791C
Cherry trees bursting with colour


blue skies … beautiful blue skies….

- A11BEFDB 56EF 4CFD A6A4 CFE41472520A
The Skies the limit


and soft sounds of birds chirping

- F758FAD8 AF2E 42CC B040 EBD21454A2D9
Soft touches of the magnolia tree


magical Ireland, We are blessed. XX SR